"Trg/TrgPrimVertex" Package

Primary Vertex finder for the High Level Trigger (HLT).

Contents of the package
"TrgPrimVertexFinder" algorithm: TrgPrimVertexFinder.h / TrgPrimVertexFinder.cpp "TrgVertexTool" tool: TrgVertexTool.h / TrgVertexTool.cpp "TrgVertexState" class: TrgVertexState.h
Package's versions

The latest version of the package is version v1r1.


The "TrgPrimVertexFinder" algorithm has several user-defined options (here set to their default values):

   TrgPrimVertexFinder.OutputLevel   = 3;        : integer specifying the level of printout
                                                   (according to Gaudi's definitions)

A copy of TrgPrimVertex.opts is available here.

How to get and build the algorithm

Direct link to the CVS repository.

First check out the package:
   cd ~/newmycmt
   getpack Trg/TrgPrimVertex v1r1
This will get version v1r1 ... To build the package
   cd ~/newmycmt/Trg/TrgPrimVertex/v1r1/cmt
   cmt config
   source setup.(c)sh 
How to run the algorithm

Several lines of code are needed to run the package:

In the requirements file:
   use    TrgPrimVertex  v1r1   Trg
In the options file:

The simplest way might be to include in the DaVinci options file a "TrgPrimVertex.opts" options file containing all the necessary settings - that can be changed according to the needs. The following line is then enough:

   #include "$DAVINCIROOT/options/TrgPrimVertex.opts"
after inserting "TrgPrimVertex.opts" in the DaVinci options directory. In any case the mandatory smallest set of options is
   ApplicationMgr.DLLs    += { "TrgPrimVertex" };
   ApplicationMgr.TopAlg  += { "TrgPrimVertexFinder" };

To produce histograms make sure that the options file contains similar code to

   // Cards for the histogram persistency
   // Hbook or Root are available, uncomment the one you want to use
   #include "$STDOPTS/Hbook.opts"
   HistogramPersistencySvc.OutputFile = "TrgPrimVertex_histos.hbook";
   //#include "$STDOPTS/RootHist.opts"
   //HistogramPersistencySvc.OutputFile = "TrgPrimVertex_histos.root";
To produce ntuples make sure that the options file contains similar code to
   // Ntuples available by default. Comment to switch off
   // Hbook or Root are available, uncomment the one you want to use
   ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += { "NTupleSvc" };
   NTupleSvc.Output={"FILE1 DATAFILE='TrgPrimVertex_ntuples.hbook' TYP='HBOOK' OPT='NEW'"};
   //NTupleSvc.Output={"FILE1 DATAFILE='TrgPrimVertex_ntuples.root' TYP='ROOT' OPT='NEW'"};
Description of the output

A "TrgPrimVertexFinder summary" with all rates is printed out at the end of the job. An example output is:

This summary table contains ...

Testing the algorithm